Tuesday, December 24, 2019
My Papas Waltz And Those Winter Sundays Analysis - 880 Words
Childhood is where it all begins; it’s where a child is usually looking for some sort of guidance and affection. Having an efficient relationship in a family is significantly important for proper emotional development. Fragile relationships can cause a child to hide their attitudes towards their parents, sometimes through their delusions in a drunken dance, other times through their silence. The poems My Papas Waltz, by Theodore Roethke and Those Winter Sundays, by Robert Hayden use the topic of emotionally-based childhood experiences that create a theme to signify their love for their fathers, but are displayed in different ways. The fundamental message conveyed is the importance of a father-son relationship when growing up. Each†¦show more content†¦The relationship between the fathers and the sons through their childhood memory is the bottom line connection of these poems from first glance. Nevertheless, they both love and appreciate what their fathers do for them through their contribution of hard work and labor. Referring to the graphic, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz†uses a playful and lighthearted tone, which is the opposite to â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†since it’s a sad, regretful tone, yet both are able to prove their appreciation towards their fathers. Roethke is left to hold on to the love, literally and metaphorically, when he is clinging to his father’s shirt. The son is clinging onto his father’s shirt, not wanting to let go of this moment; he is holding onto the love he has for his father even though â€Å"the whisky on [his] breath could make a small boy dizzy†(Roethke, 10). His mother is left upset about the father’s drunken actions. Roethke is creating memories with his father, where it can be inferred that he doesn’t get to see his father a lot because of the â€Å"hand that held [his] wrist was battered on one knuckle†(Roethke, 10) indicating the extensive amou nt of labor his father endures. Hayden also has a hard working father, but his gratitude is expressed in a different way. He uses a different approach to imply love and respect, mostly through his tone of regret and sadness. As a child, Hayden didn’t pay much attention toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Theodore Roethke s My Papa s Waltz, And Robert Hayden s Those Winter Sundays925 Words  | 4 PagesIn the analysis of Theodore Roethke’s â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,†and Robert Hayden’s â€Å"Those Winter Sundays,†both modernistic and highly respected poets similarly write with a sense of reminiscence of childhood experiences. Similarly, both poems are about a memory as a boy looking back at a specific time in their lives and the love they have for their respected fathers. A similar implication is expressed in the way of their lives not being perfect, but still remaining a humble family. This is shown withinRead MoreEssay about My Papas Waltz vs. T hose Winter Nights1521 Words  | 7 PagesRichard Koch Literature and Culture 5/6/13 Research Paper My Papa’s Waltz Vs. Those Winter Nights In â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz†by Roethke and â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†by Hayden, the two narrators speak about their fathers in a way that shows there were two different sides to their fathers. One side was abusive and strict, while the other side was loving and caring. Each narrator has a different attitude toward their feelings for their fathers. Roethke has a more fun and understanding view of his
Monday, December 16, 2019
Some Factors That Lead to Success in College Free Essays
Several factors contribute to school success. A person’s experience with education early in life has a great influence on school success later on. It is vital that infants and toddlers have access to quality education from day one. We will write a custom essay sample on Some Factors That Lead to Success in College or any similar topic only for you Order Now The socioeconomic status in which one is raised has an immense effect on school success. Wealthier children have access to greater, high-quality facilities and resources while poorer children often lack the basic necessities such as proper nutrition and quality education. It is important to note that each child also contributes their own contributions to their success in school. There are cases of people who rose out of extreme poverty to achieve great academic success. Exceptional Teachers Exceptional teachers provide students with maximum encouragement, motivation, challenges and belief in themselves. Teachers who believe their students are capable of the classwork help create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The student will begin to hold the same belief of themselves and act on it. It is therefore vital that teachers, parents and caregivers send the right message to students. Students need to know that their teachers, parents and caregivers believe in them and that they are capable of academic success. Exceptional teachers create a classroom culture of high expectations. They do not hold preconceived notions about particular students but believe that all of their students are capable of reaching academic success. Parental Involvement Parental involvement is extremely important to a students academic success. Children spend most of their time at home and the environment a student comes from determines their start of academic success. If a student’s home is rich in books, that early exposure to literacy will usually mean a student starts reading early. Parents who are actively involved in their children’s education ensure that their children are doing their homework. They also encourage their children to perform well in school and speak to them about the importance of receiving an education. When parents show an interest in their children’s education this in turn sparks an interest in their children to learn. Self-Motivation Intrinsic motivation or self-motivation is another important element leading to school success. Self-motivation assumes that we are all born with the capability to learn and that learning can be an enjoyable process. Students who are self-motivated have disciplined themselves to concentrate on a task for the mere result of learning and mastering the needed skill. Students become self-motivated for many reasons. For some being self-motivated to achieve academic success will help them rise out of poverty, for others it will allow them to get into a specific college or receive an academic scholarship. Students who have a high self-esteem have a strong sense of self-motivation as they believe they are capable of academic success. Nutrition Students who eat breakfast regularly perform better academically than those who do not. Poor nutrition can have consequences such as cavities, obesity, weak bones and teeth, as well as delayed sexual maturity. Poor nutrition is defined as not eating the recommended daily servings of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Parents and teachers need to play close attention to the types of foods children eat as lack of vitamins can have severe consequences. Hobbies Self-esteem and social skills can be taught simply by encouraging students to take part in a hobby. By encouraging students to take part in a hobby builds competence in a certain skill. A hobby also allows students to build a sense of identity. Hobbies also keep a student from becoming bored. Hobbies also leave room for students to receive praises for their achievements. Read more: Factors That Lead to School Success | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/about_5387053_factors-lead-school-success. html#ixzz1Uc85N1gw How to cite Some Factors That Lead to Success in College, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Chapter 8 Notes free essay sample
Lord Of The Fliess: Chapter 8 Notes Essay, Research Paper 1. The conch being artlessly blown and the fact that Piggy has merely one lens shows that society has begun to work ill. The ground for this diminution in society is Jack. Jack broke Piggy # 8217 ; s lens, and now Jack who has power, represented by the conch, does non cognize how to blow it decently. This tells us that Jack is an awkward leader who abuses power and destroys cognition. To go an expert at something, such as blowing a conch or taking a society takes clip, so this is besides important because it shows that Jack has merely late come to power. Because the conch and Piggy # 8217 ; s spectacless are crippled, cognition and power are crippled, but non yet to the full eliminated. 2. When Simon says, # 8221 ; I think we ought to mount the mountain. # 8221 ; , he means that society should suppress its frights and repossess the island. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord Of The Flies Chapter 8 Notes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the male childs foremost founded society, one of the first things that they did was to mount the mountain and attain cognition of the island. It is of import to observe that cognition was a precedence for this early society. Climbing the mountain was besides a undertaking undertaken with great enthusiasm and the offering of hope for what their society could be. This was the extremum of their civilisation. Ever since so their society has been # 8220 ; worsening # 8221 ; or traveling # 8220 ; downhill # 8221 ; , so the mountain represents the # 8220 ; peak # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; height # 8221 ; of their civilisation. As the boys # 8217 ; civilisation fell apart, it became crude and controlled progressively by evil elements ( Jack ) . Because of this the male childs began to fear a animal. The animal was a symbol of this death and an obstruction to the return of glorification. I say that the animal is an obstruction because they now fear mounting the mountain, a mountain that symbolizes the extremum of society. When Simon says that they should mount the mountain, he is besides stating that the male childs should abandon their crude frights and return to old glorification. 3. The new fire is symbolic because it is Piggy # 8217 ; s try to reconstruct society. Piggy believes that without Jack ( immorality ) , he himself ( cognition and civility ) can thrive. The first measure that Piggy decides to take is the building of a new fire. The fire represents the domination and use of nature and hence the return to civility. It is of import to observe that the fire is in a new location. The new fire represents a new society engineered by Piggy and founded upon cognition. The fire besides represents a new hope ; the hope that the new society will thrive, the hope that Jack # 8217 ; s followings will rejoin society, and the hope that they will be rescued. 4. Many people believe that the flood tide of the narrative is when the sow is killed. When the male childs kill the sow they take the concluding measure towards savageness. Old society # 8217 ; s ways and civility held Jack ( immorality ) , back from killing another life animal earlier in the book, but now everything alterations as an full cabal of society non merely kills the sow, but celebrates the achievement. Society # 8217 ; s ethical motives have shifted, and the load of guilt no longer exists, leting them to make precisely as they please without sing the demands of each other or anything else. At this point Jack and his male childs have become wholly barbarous. The mode in which the male childs kill the hog is barbarous and barbarian besides ; they no longer hold any regard for another life animal. The sow is most likely pregnant and this tells us that the male childs would blow the lives of its piggies and possibly waste the lives of its piggy s and the hereafter meat that they would likely provide in their blind lecherousness for blood. A civilised society would carefully choice which animate beings to butcher because of moral and economic concerns. The cabal of society that killed the hog no longer discusses and arguments issues, but alternatively relies on its natural desires. 5. When the Lord of the Flies says that the animal is portion of Simon, he is stating that the animal is a portion of homo nature. The animal, nevertheless, is merely symbolic and hence does non be as a portion of Simon or in humanity. By stating that the animal is portion of Simon, the Lord of the Flies subtly states that humanity is comprised in portion by all of its immoralities. It is besides true that the # 8220 ; beast # 8221 ; is portion of Simon, because Simon, being human, has the ability to conceive of and contrive his ain frights. The animal is fabricated and can non harm the male childs, yet they still fright it. As intelligence is mankind # 8217 ; s gift, and possibly it can be rational and ignore such farcical thoughts of animals and other such baseless frights ( as Piggy attempted to make earlier ) , it is besides mankind # 8217 ; s load. Other animals do non hold the capacity to fear things that do no affect that at a present minute in clip. Merely mankind invents animals, causes evil and injury without cause, and frights decease. It is besides relevant that Simon is the religious facet of this novel. Simon has known that the animal is fabricated and possibly even the truth about what it symbolizes. Because society has gone so far with the construct of a # 8220 ; beast # 8221 ; and the frights and immoralities that it represents, all parts of society, even Simon # 8217 ; s, have become septic. 6. The Lord of the Flies is the forfeit that the male childs made to the animal. The animal, of class, represents their ain immoralities, frights and other undesirables, therefore the Lord of the Fliess represents the old society that has died because of these things. The last line of chapter eight is stating us that Simon, who portrays the spiritualty in society, has now been swallowed by the frights and immoralities of his society that has deteriorated to such an extent as to non merely make a # 8220 ; beast # 8221 ; , but to go it. Simon is the weakest member in this society, as is spiritualty, shown by his continual fainting. After he is swallowed by the animal and swoons, spiritualty on the island is coming really near to deceasing. Golding is seeking to state us that spiritualty is the weakest facet of a society. Even as faith is prevailing in many societies, it becomes dominated non by persons seeking enlightenment, but by corruptness and dictatorship, as happened in mediaeval times. Religion frequently is manipulated by those in power and abused as a tool to command the hapless through methods such as fright tactics. Basically, the spiritualty people are born with is necessarily controlled and manipulated because it is weak and ill-defined. I believe that Simon does non so much represent a individual set of spiritual beliefs, but more the Godhead spiritualty, lovingness, and forgiveness that we are born with. Possibly the book is every bit much about the affects of society on an person individual as it is approximately society as a whole. When the pestilence that society frequently creates infects a individual, such as Simon, the individual # 8217 ; s spiritualty is easy conquered and replaced by immoralities and fright. I hence believe that this book can be examined on two graduated tables ; the male childs stand foring society, and the male childs each stand foring the person characters which as a whole comprise and compete for high quality of the human mind.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Welfare State Past, Present and Future Essay Example
The Welfare State: Past, Present and Future Essay Contentss The Future Welfare State Welfare Models: Nordic Welfare Model We will write a custom essay sample on The Welfare State: Past, Present and Future specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Welfare State: Past, Present and Future specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Welfare State: Past, Present and Future specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Liberal Welfare Model: Driving Factors behind Welfare Models Current Inclinations of the Welfare State Development Driving Factors behind Current Inclinations Sweden and United Kingdom polishing their public assistance theoretical accounts with regard to Gender Perspective Political Principles that is hard to compromise on: Three Most Important Political Principles for Sweden Three Most Important Political Principles for United Kingdom Four Reform Measurements that both Sweden and United Kingdom agree on Economic Development in ( assumed ) Swedish Municipality Proposal 1: ( Advantages A ; Disadvantages ) Proposal 2: Advantages A ; Disadvantages Effectss on Men’s and Women’s Financial Resources, Time and Opportunities Mentions The Future Welfare State As we move into the planetary epoch The Welfare State has been deriving importance in every political argument. The thought of Welfare province has well broaden over the clip specially when Welfare for adult females and cultural minorities are concerned. In the planetary universe Welfare province is non merely cut downing poorness and increasing public assistance proviso instead The Future Welfare State is traveling through a transmutation. The hereafter of the public assistance province is transforming because the station war specializers had a classical position of the public assistance province as compared to the future economic specializers broadening the spectrum of the Welfare province Welfare Models: There are different types of public assistance theoretical accounts Nordic Welfare Model Nordic public assistance theoretical account is working really imposingly in Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Norway. Nordic public assistance theoretical account is celebrated for its proviso, which is giving securities to citizen by supplying those benefits and chances in equal rights. It is designed in such a manner that everyone gets opportunity to take equal rights in societal life, wellness services and schooling. To accomplish by everyone system runs on local revenue enhancement grosss. Benefits for aged attention services, unemployment and kid attention are more low-cost. ( Christiansen, 2006, pp. 11-117 ) Nordic public assistance theoretical account is taken as more important than other public assistance theoretical accounts in arguments, or advising welfare theoretical account over others. Nordic states took waies toward natural resources and socio- economic constructions to redefine this province theoretical account. Giving equality was chief purpose in human rights, regulations of jurisprudence, supplying more unafraid insurance. Since the 1970s, Sweden has been by and large singular in its dressed ore on put to deathing undertakings and disposals that assist both ladies and work forces to equalise household and paid work. ( NORDIC ) The child care and parental protection models specifically try to spread out ladies labor power support while, in the interim, indicating for a more tantamount appropriation of childrearing duties between mas and male parents. In the present ambiance of neoliberal globalisation, Sweden offers an challenging research enterprise, as it has been the theoretical account of a societal merely public assistance province in the station bellum clip ; maintaining in head neoliberals has come to impact certain parts of the Swedish public assistance province, the scope of household attack remains a shelter of societal ballot based system in the Swedish sense. Liberal Welfare Model: U.S.A and U.K both are considered as theoretical accounts for broad public assistance provinces. In U.S.A wellness attention and insurances for citizen are provided by private companies or sectors to guarantee and ease lower category societal rights. Retirement pensions in U.S.A are given under Social Security Administration. Government gives kid attention benefits to guarantee schooling and better economic construction to its citizens. ( Jeffrey D, 2006 ) Government is supplying catastrophe helping to the morbific. Social security is doing more flexible retirement pension plans under private sectors, which involve aged attention insurance. Elaborating more broad public assistance theoretical account is appreciating ho federal sections are working with single systems to supply income after retiring. One of the unbelievable trials of economical promotion is to consolidate societal order s cravings for fiscal flourishing and authorities disablement. For a long clip economic experts and legislators have faced off sing how to suit the undoubted force of concern sectors with the comforting insurances of societal protection. America s supply-siders assert that the most ideal attack to achieve prosperity for America s hapless is by nudging speedy pecuniary development and that the higher charges required hive awaying elevated sums of societal protection might disenable booming. Austrian-conceived free-showcase economic expert Friedrich August von Hayek prescribed that high appraisal might be a manner to serfdom, a danger to flexibility itself. ( Esping-Andersen, 1990 ) Driving Factors behind Welfare Models Governments are passing whole batch of money of societal public assistance plans to ease them with their societal rights. As we move into the planetary epoch The Welfare State has been deriving importance in every political argument. The thought of Welfare province has well broaden over the clip specially when Welfare for adult females and cultural minorities are concerned. In the planetary universe Welfare province is non merely cut downing poorness and increasing public assistance proviso instead The Future Welfare State is traveling through a transmutation. The hereafter of the public assistance province is transforming because the station war specializers had a classical position of the public assistance province as compared to the future economic specializers broadening the spectrum of the Welfare province. ( P. Nelson ) Social public assistance is an incorporating and unsure term, yet often it is characterized every bit far as sorted out exercisings, mediations, or some other constituent that recommends attack and undertakings to respond to separate societal issues or to heighten the prosperity of those at danger. To qualify societal public assistance every bit far as undertakings or issues entirely, notwithstanding, is to lose a bigger and all the more dogging constituent. ( Department of wellness and human service, 2004 ) Current Inclinations of the Welfare State Development Social security is first policy introduced by the public assistance province development. Legislatively it is recognized unemployment, illness and old attention is straight off concern for authorities to take attention in broad industrialised market societies. Relationship of province and citizens are changed in sense or lending in more public public assistance such as revenue enhancement gross. Most of import factor in public assistance province development is more per centum of disbursement in these plans. Health insurance, Unemployment benefits, Family allowances, Retirement Pension are straight given or provided by private monitoring organic structures under authorities. ( Christiansen, 2006, pp. 109-111 ) The societal public assistance consequence of the Progressive development was extraordinary in three districts: counteractive action through societal protection, the use of authorities ordinance, and the portion of careers in the public oculus. The high intent of Progressivism was perfectly before World War I. The war and the undermentioned political and budgetary promotions cooled the Progressive enthusiasm in the 1920s. Notwithstanding, Progressives had achieved an unbelievable agreement. They had put on the societal attack and political motive practically every indispensable societal issue of the 20th century: privation, migration, slums, youngster public assistance, mental wellness, unfastened wellness, and, evidently, sex and race ( if non exactly category. By the late 1920s, they had made a connexion that might function as a vas for elective hard currency and elected organisation deliberations in the 1930s and from at that place on. They made the intelligent individual, political, and legislative connexion that might allow the United States to travel at the sort of welfare-state shows that might hold appeared to be impossible a one-fourth of a century prior. Driving Factors behind Current Inclinations Welfare province theoretical accounts ties up manus with societal and public public assistance system to work together in progressive approaching economic epoch. Most involvement factor in plans are the fund which are been contributed by societies by themselves and some much contributed by not-for-profits organisations. Finding chances by the authorities for the unemployment is truly helpful. Retirement pension is besides immense societal security plan for retired persons subsequently income. This plan is funded financially and even by supplying aged attention plans, and place services. Non-government sectors besides provide services and support to ages people with Residential aged attention facilities . It is estimated that approximately 20 % of entire cost of public assistance services and supports are by non-government organisations. The betterment of societal public assistance in the film editing border feeling of the term relied on upon the guess of province duty sing the procurance of societal aid. This given built a connexion in which scheme and undertakings could make in an uniform and unmistakable manner and harmonizing to societal and budgetary fortunes reflected in political weights and methods. From the U.s. point of view, the rise of a focal portion for the province in societal procurance had happened before American colonisation, therefore the narrative of the move from private, consecrated, selfless support to open, mainstream, citizenship-based aid starts in England. ( Department of wellness and human service, 2004 ) Sweden and United Kingdom polishing their public assistance theoretical accounts with regard to Gender Perspective Feminist surveies of public assistance have contended that societal scheme is decidedly gendered . Jane Lewis has recommended that, in malice of the fact that the prevailing theoretical accounts of public assistance all expect that ladies are reliant on a male supplier, there are important assortments: ( Jane, 1992, pp. 159-179 ) Strong male supplier theoretical account assumes that ladies wages are subsidiary to work forces s. This is the theoretical account in the UK. A lame male supplier theoretical account takes into history ladies to travel approximately as suppliers in the same path as work forces. This is the illustration in Sweden, where there have been endeavours to show a double supplier design. Where guesss are made about the place of ladies, this has a inclination to strengthen ladies subpar position and trust. Where alone procurances are non made, however, this has a inclination to sabotage the degrees of confidence which ladies accept presuming that they have non earned pay on the same basis as work forces. Boundless prejudice in rewards and provinces of work imply that gender orientation ocular damages in societal security can merely prolong prejudices Political Principles that is hard to compromise on: Legislators the universe over are chew overing the same basic trial: how to do authorities economical. The fiscal colony may hold been uncovered by the financial exigency nevertheless it was made by ever-upward unfastened utilizing flights and long draw wellness and public alterations that ca nt be supported without uncompetitive high disbursals. A twelvemonth ago the Office for Budget Responsibility assessed that UK unfastened utilizing will construct by 5.2 for every penny of GDP throughout the undermentioned 48 old ages, or ?80 billion at today s costs. Without stronger development or unsustainably high responsibilities, authorities must convey well more with significantly less. At face regard, the Swedish public assistance province is an impossible perfect instance for practical authorities. In 2011-12, legislative assembly utilizing was 53.1 for every penny of GDP, paid for by appraisals on the normal laborer of 42.7 for every penny. The state s support to sculpt standardized nest eggs model has long been utilized as cogent evidence that disposal can and ought to be greater, non littler. Regardless of this, the Swedish province is showing to policymakers the universe over industry criterions to convey great disposals effortlessly. Three Most Important Political Principles for Sweden In the most recent two decennaries, Sweden has transformed its public assistance province to convey effectivity and value. Policymakers have opened up disposals to rivalry, using new, gross driven providers to drive down disbursals and enhance quality inside Sweden s general wellness and direction models. Around 27 for every penny of wellness consciousness is soon conveyed by benefit devising houses, including nine important mending Centres and 10 for every penny of exigency vehicle disposals. Clinic keeping up times have fallen by about a one-fourth since the late 1990s and private exigency vehicle houses have decreased disbursals by 15 for every penny. In direction, private houses can run free schools – the enthusiasm for the Coalition s alterations – for benefit, with 400 such schools now created. ( Will, 2014 ) In Sweden, the presentation of small co-instalments for GP and mending centre visits ( topped to vouch poorer patients are non antagonistically influenced ) has incentivised occupants to be healthier and occupied premeditation to extra practical scenes. In the decennary to 2010, Swedish mending installation grants developed merely 1.6 for every penny.Sweden s alterations have carried the state s financess under control. Between 2003 and 2009, wellness consciousness utilizing rose by merely 0.6 for every penny of GDP ( Mary A ; Kathring, 2010 ) The UK s Coalition authorities has justly recognised the Swedish theoretical account of free schools ; in the event that it is non pull the leg ofing about fiscal manageableness it must chew over Sweden s macroeconomic image excessively. ( Will, 2014 ) Three Most Important Political Principles for United Kingdom The last great invasion was in 1066 by the Normans. Some may postulate that the English Civil War ( 1642-1651 ) was our upset nevertheless the primary sacred consequence the cancelation of the authorities merely maintain clicking 11 old ages and the redevelopment of the Monarchy has so utmost endured 350 old ages ( in malice of the fact that it is soon, evidently, an wholly different authorities ) . ( Roger ) practically peculiarly on the planet, we have no composed fundamental law ( the chief other such states are Israel A ; New Zealand ) our political model is non perfect or reasonable or faithfully wholly just alteration has been highly steady and practical and based understanding Four Reform Measurements that both Sweden and United Kingdom agree on Sweden and England the Great Britain has so much common in them. Both Countries founded that they can polish their public assistance policies and theoretical accounts. On the footing of this, in conference following points must be discussed: ( Moona, 2009, p. 158 ) Girl’s political involvement and impact ; Girls budgetary strengthening and on the job conditions ; Sexual and regenerative wellness and rights ( SRHR ) ; and ladies security, including combating all manifestations of sex based savageness and human trafficking Economic Development in ( assumed ) Swedish Municipality Proposal 1: ( Advantages A ; Disadvantages ) Enlisting and keeping great teachers ranks as a standout amongst the most immense route obstructors to unknoting the preschool quality exigency facing this state. Proof focuses to the low rewards furthermore net incomes offered to preschool teachers as the absolute most critical constituent in undertaking moreover maintaining great pedagogues. Notwithstanding the verve of their duties, preschool teachers are paid less than 50 % of a kindergarten pedagogue s compensation  less than janitors, secretaries, and others whose businesss require merely a secondary school verification and a twosome of old ages experience. Pay and net incomes for confederate pedagogues are much more awful, with the full-time normal pay overly low to maintain a group of three out of privation. The essentiality is clear. The societal, enthusiastic, informative and budgetary focal points from antic preschool undertakings interpret to better lives for childs, their households, groups and societal order overall. Yet, hapless wage and net incomes debilitate the conveyance of these quite first-class undertakings that can hold such a tragic consequence for the state besides its child. ( UK GOVT, 2013 ) Preschool undertakings can contract pedagogues with stronger capablenesss, more formal preparation and peculiar preparing, merely by paying them better compensations furthermore net incomes. A far making show of surveies has secured that pedagogues formal preparation and peculiar preparing in unforeseen adolescence direction sway preschool direction quality. ( The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, 2007 ) Proposal 2: Advantages A ; Disadvantages Youngster stipend: SEK 1,050 for every child every month. Addendums are collectible to households with two or more childs ( SEK 100 for the 2nd child ; SEK 354 for the 3rd Tyke ; SEK 860 for the 4th child ; and SEK 1,050 for the fifth and resulting childs ) . Upkeep aid: Full support aid is SEK 1,273 for every Tyke every month. Assuming that the child has pay above a bound of SEK 100,000 a twelvemonth, the upkeep aid is diminished significantly the excess step. Make-up upkeep aid is paid in instances in which the defender at hazard for support pays a certain step specifically to the child on clip. ( CESIFO, 2012 ) There has been a warmed degree headed treatment on the molding of household agreement and its impact on sexual orientation equity in Sweden since the focal point right Government exhibited its programs for a household attack plan in the unforeseen crop clip. The Government points at showing the first 50 % of its four-part show on 1 July 2008 ; this incorporates place head recompense as an elected to open day-forethought, and a sexual orientation equity wages. The two staying parts of the plan, child care verifiers and an expanded pedagogical constituent in day-consideration, will be actualized subsequently throughout the Government s term of office. A few scientists have criticized parts of the plan. It is the place head stipend that is the ruddy fabric to a batch of people. The Government, every bit far as it matters for it, feels that Sweden will now realize a unfeignedly up to day of the month household attack. Effectss on Men’s and Women’s Financial Resources, Time and Opportunities The Government s intent of flight is that households change, have diverse demands and wants, and may every bit good in this mode be offered more adaptability and more opportunities to pick how they organize their household and working life. The place head recompense is thought to construct the parental determination, while the sex correspondence wages is intended to press households to settle on their free determinations in an tantamount manner. Consequently the Centre is on the household in general, to boot on the distinguishable determinations each one defender ought to hold the capacity to do. As per the proposal, every vicinity authorities power that wishes to make so can show the place head recompense. Folkss with childs matured 1–3 old ages might be conceded a recompense which is decreased, contingent upon what sum of other subsidised unfastened child care the household decides to use. The remittal may sum to a non-taxable most utmost of 3,000 SEK ( 323 Euro ) for every month and is wholly good with working outside the place. This implies that the stipend could be utilized to, for case, use a caretaker or alive in housekeeper. ( Jennie, 2013 ) The sex balance wages is expected as an drift for households to leave the parental leave likewise. In the event that the parental leave is imparted merely as, the household additions a full sex uniformity wages, which implies a non-assessable wage of 3,000 SEK for every month. The design is to spread out the households pecuniary opportunities to leave the parental leave merely every bit. Not all parts associating to the place head stipend and the sexual orientation uniformity wages have yet been settled ; nevertheless are to be finalized before the Government s proposal is exhibited to Parliament.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Oedipus and His Tragic Character Essays
Oedipus and His Tragic Character Essays Oedipus and His Tragic Character Essay Oedipus and His Tragic Character Essay 22 May 2010 Oedipus and his Tragic Character In the play Oedipus the King we identify the classic tragic hero. The character, Oedipus Rex plays the role of the tragic hero perfectly. He shows the three main characteristics being talented and of noble birth, possessing a tragic flaw that causes the downfall and pain of everyone, and the recognition of responsibility. Oedipus’s first characteristic of being a tragic hero is being talented and of noble birth. Oedipus is talented because during his journey to run away from his curse, the oracle foresaw for him, he stumbles upon the Riddle of the Sphinx in Thebes; Oedipus solved the riddle and is rewarded to be king and is given the old kings wife. â€Å"You freed us from the Sphinx; you came to Thebes and cut us loose from the bloody tribute we had that harsh brutal singer†(Line 44). As Oedipus is being rewarded for his talents, no one knows that Oedipus is already of noble birth and is the true heir to this kingship. Only the blind prophet of Thebes, Tiresias knew before anyone else found out that Oedipus is the old king’s son which made him nobility. â€Å"None of you knows and I will never reveal my dreadful secrets, not to say your own†(Lines 373-379) The next characteristic that shows Oedipus playing the tragic hero is him possessing a tragic flaw. Oedipus’s flaw is being a very narcissistic person. He might have been a good leader for all the years that have come to past but he is very full of himself and makes sure everyone remembers that he solves the riddle of the sphinx even though it is many years ago. Another thing is if his people had problems like the plague that was spreading, no one is as sick as him because to him he had to be number one no matter what the situation. Lines 71-73 show his personality perfectly, â€Å"Well I know you are sick to death, all of you, but sick as u are, no is as sick as I†. This personality if his stirs up much trouble for himself that has the real truths of him surface in front of everyone, that he was the curse that the profit reveals to Laius and Jacasta. Jocasta realizes that he is her son when he pushed the answers out of the messenger, and the messenger says, â€Å"No sir, another shepherd passed you on to me. He called himself the servant of†¦ if I remember rightly-Laius†Now that Jocasta figures it out, she is so afraid that she keeps begging Oedipus to not push any further, to leave it alone, but he is not satisfied and needs to know where he come from and is he of nobility or a servant. Oedipus‘s recognition of his responsibility is very easy for him. He keeps pushing for answers whether or not he is this curse the prophecies foresaw and he does get what he wants and puts the pieces together and figures out he is the prophecies curse, that he killed his father and he did marry his mother. â€Å"I’d never have come to this, my father’s murder-never been branded mother’s husband, all men see me now! †Oedipus feels he is blind and could not see his fate with his eyes, and that he should have seen this coming. The next horror to come for Oedipus is for him to walk into the room where Jocasta hanged herself. He runs to her and cut her down. This is the final act he could witness, and takes her brooches and gouges them into his eyes so he could never see the pain he has caused everyone again. The messenger states, â€Å"You, you’ll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused! Too long you looked on the ones you never should have seen; blind to the ones you long to see, to know! In conclusion, the tragic hero is a very intense role for a character to play. As one may see in Oedipus the King, Oedipus is a character in the beginning one probably hated for his selfishness, but just had to feel bad for seeing all these mysteries unfold before Oedipus showing he was the curse that the prophecies foresaw, the one to murder his own father and then wed his mother. Work s Cited Brown, A. L. â€Å"The End of the Seven against Thebes†The Classical quarterly 26. 2 (1976) 206-19 Carloni, Glauco and Nobili, Daniela. LaMamma Cattiva: fenomenologia, anthropologia e clinica del figlicidio (Rimini, 2004) Dallas, Ian, Oedipus and Dionysus, Freiburg Press, Granada 1991. ISBN 1-874216-02-9
Friday, November 22, 2019
French English True Cognates Starting With S
French English True Cognates Starting With S One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. The 1,700 words on the following pages are spelled (although not pronounced) identically in French and English and are true or semi-true cognates. Before you start memorizing them, please read some important notes about these cognates.The (parentheses) indicate the words part of speech in both languages, and, in the case of nouns, the gender of the noun in French.sabotage   (masculine noun)sacrifice   (masculine noun)safari   (masculine noun)saga   (feminine noun)saint   (masculine noun)salami   (masculine noun)salutation   (feminine noun)samba   (feminine noun)sanatorium   (masculine noun)sanctification   (feminine noun)sanction   (feminine noun)sandwich   (masculine noun)sardine   (feminine noun)satellite   (masculine noun)sat in   (masculine noun)satire   (feminine noun)satisfaction   (feminine noun)saturation   (feminine noun)sauna   (masculine noun)savant   (masculine noun)scalp   (masculine noun)scalpel   (masculine noun)science   (feminine noun)scooter   (masculine noun)scorpion   (feminine noun)scribe   (masculine noun)script   (masculine noun)sculpture   (feminine noun)sà ©ance   (feminine noun)secret   (adjective masculine noun)segment   (masculine noun)senior   (adjective masculine noun)sensation   (feminine noun)sentiment   (masculine noun)serf   (masculine noun)sermon   (masculine noun)serpent   (masculine noun)service   (masculine noun)servile   (adjective)servitude   (feminine noun)session#160;  (feminine noun)shrapnel   (masculine noun)signatur e   (feminine noun)silence   (masculine noun)silhouette   (feminine noun)silicone   (feminine noun)silo   (masculine noun)simple   (adjective)simplification   (feminine noun)simulation   (feminine noun)siphon   (masculine noun)site   (masculine noun)situation   (feminine noun)six   (adjective masculine noun)sketch   (masculine noun)ski   (masculine noun)skiff   (masculine noun)slalom   (masculine noun)slogan   (masculine noun)smog   (masculine noun)snob   (masculine / feminine noun)sobriquet   (masculine noun)sociable   (adjective)social   (adjective)sodium   (masculine noun)sofa   (masculine noun)solarium   (masculine noun)solidification   (feminine noun)solitude   (feminine noun)solo   (adjective masculine noun)solstice   (masculine noun)soluble   (adjective)solution   (feminine noun)somnolent   (adjective)sonar   (masculine noun)sonnet   (masculine noun)sophistication   (feminine noun)soprano   (masculine / feminine noun)sorbet   (masculine noun)SOS   (masculine noun)source   (feminine noun)spatial   (adjective)spectacle   (masculine noun)spectral   (adjective)sphinx   (masculine noun)spinal   (adjective)spiral   (adjective)sprint   (masculine noun)stable   (adjective)staccato   (adverb)stagnant   (adjective)stagnation   (feminine noun)stalactite   (feminine noun)stalagmite   (feminine noun)statue   (feminine noun)stature   (feminine noun)steak   (masculine noun)steppe   (feminine noun)sterling   (masculine noun)sternum   (masculine noun)stewa rd   (masculine noun)stimulant   (masculine noun)stimulation   (feminine noun)stimulus   (masculine noun)stipulation   (feminine noun)stop   (exclamation masculine noun)stress   (masculine noun)strict   (adjective)structural   (adjective)structure   (feminine noun)style   (masculine noun)suave   (adjective)subdivision   (feminine noun)sublime   (adjective masculine noun)subliminal   (adjective)submersion   (feminine noun)subordination   (feminine noun)substance   (feminine noun)substitution   (feminine noun)subterfuge   (masculine noun)subvention   (feminine noun)subversion   (feminine noun)succession   (feminine noun)succinct   (adjective)succulence   (feminine noun)succulent   (adjective)suffocation   (feminine noun)suffrage   (mas culine noun)suggestion   (feminine noun)suicide   (masculine noun)sulfate   (masculine noun)superstition   (feminine noun)supervision   (feminine noun)supplication   (feminine noun)supposition   (feminine noun)suppression   (feminine noun)surcharge   (feminine noun)surface   (feminine noun)surplus   (masculine noun)surprise   (feminine noun)susceptible   (adjective)suspect   (adjective masculine / feminine noun)suspense   (masculine noun)suspension   (feminine noun)suspicion   (feminine noun)suture   (feminine noun)svelte   (adjective)symposium   (masculine noun)synagogue   (feminine noun)syndrome   (masculine noun)synopsis   (feminine noun)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Working with and Leading people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Working with and Leading people - Essay Example Testing and assessment should also be done in this stage. The next step will be interviewing the candidates. This allows the organization to further understand a candidate. An interview should go beyond the skills in a resume or the score of a test - it should focus on how the candidate can apply the skills and scores in the work environment. For a position of call centre are much needed, a person possessing high level of communication skills and social interaction. These agents should have the capacity to handle customer service in an international set-up. Applicants should also possess technical knowledge in the fields where the agent is assigned. For call centre manager handling corporate clients, a perfect candidate would be a person that has superb leadership and management skills. He should also display mastery in receiving/conducting calls so that he can be a perfect example to the staff he is leading. Therefore he should have effective communication and interaction skills that his subordinates can emulate. For a human resources department administrator, an applicant should have excellent presentation skills and can motivate others by his inspirational and motivating speeches. Call centre business needs someone who can uplift the spirits of agents who are prone to be upset by distracting and irritating calls. This is exactly their job. A manager A manager that has a just and conscientious vision for his fellow employees, that is what a human resources manager should possess. He should have the zeal to improve his other employees in the company. To put this vision into action, the candidate for this post should have superb managerial and planning skills and capable of spearheading the organization towards staff development. He should also have sufficient knowledge in pertinent legal knowledge needed to ensure that employees will be given just compensation and benefits. Just like the human resources manager, the senior sales manager should be competent in meticulously planning the sales campaign of the company. He should be able to produce sales targets and quotas for his sales representatives. Training his sales force is his other significant responsibility. Because of this, he should have excellent presentation and training skills (Assessment and Selection, 2007). Security staff should be vigilant and physically fit for the position. Since security personnel are needed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, applicants should also be willing to work in different 8-hour shifts. In recruiting, human resources personnel should be wary about certain legal, regulatory and ethical requirements. The first one is the character and productivity background of the applicant. HR personnel have the responsibility to look over the attitude and behaviour of its applicants. Yet in doing so, the HR should be cautious about the legal issues in recruiting. One such concern is the right of the applicants against discrimination from disability. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in the UK protects the rights of the disabled (Employer's Forum for Disability, 2004). Aside from this, UK has various laws that will protect employee's rights, such as Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, and Employment Equality Regulations 2003 (Independent Police Complaints Commission, n.d., p.2). Full-time long term employees have the experience unparalleled by the new-comers. They also have the zealous concern in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Earthquake Risk and Early Warning Research Paper
Earthquake Risk and Early Warning - Research Paper Example The information systems can give necessary warnings so that power grids, energy systems and nuclear reactors can be switched off to avoid further destruction. Critical equipments, vehicles and systems can be shut down to prevent explosion and destruction. Fast moving vehicles and trains can be brought to a low speed to avoid accidents. Earthquake risk in a particular location or a typical region is presented by various ground motion parameters. The values of different parameters are measured and analyzed. Ground motion parameters like particle velocity, particle acceleration, motion intensity and values of acceleration are assessed for calculating earth quake risk. The values of these parameters are taken using probabilistic analysis. Local geological conditions, location of earthquake sources and various other parameters are taken into account. Considering the ground motion amplitude with respect to the distance from the earthquake source or the centre of earthquake, different proba bility analysis is performed. Distribution of earthquake source or location of the origin is crucial while calculating earthquake risk. Using these valuable parameters earthquake risk for a particular region is assessed. Operational earthquake forecasting also helps assess risks and forecast possible quakes using different methods. With the help of different seismicity-based methods, several methods are developed to update seismic hazard maps. Different models and seismic based methods are found to be helping in predicting future earthquakes. Probable locations and the expected time are predicted using different parameters. Hazard level warnings are provided for different locations. Region, position and time are analyzed to predict a probable earth quake. Earthquake, the most feared natural calamity was once considered unpredictable as the origin and cause of earthquakes were unknown. Modern earthquake warning systems successfully predict earthquake to a certain extent through thoro ugh study of ground motion parameters and other information related to different locations. It has also been discovered why certain areas are more vulnerable to earth quakes. Earth quake is no longer ignored and considered as a calamity that arrives without any warning. The densely populated urban areas and the expected population explosion in the coming decades make it clear that the world can no longer afford a heavy earth quake. If an earth quake happens in any major city of the world, more than 10 million people would perish within moments. Nations are therefore increasingly concerned about any probable earth quake that would cause a risk to the population. Earth quake warning systems are developed so that people would be intimated of an impending hazard. An Earthquake Early Warning System has been prepared by the United States Geological Survey in order to calculate earth quake risk for the west coast of United States. This warning system provides timely warnings, alerts for a possible earth quake. These warnings are meant to ensure public safety and perform necessary precautionary measures to avoid heavy losses. Effective forecasts and warnings would warn the population about possible attacks and educate them about the do’s and don’ts while encountering an earth quake. Earth warning systems send automatic earth quake
Saturday, November 16, 2019
6 Main Characteristics Of Communication Essay Example for Free
6 Main Characteristics Of Communication Essay (1) Two or More Persons: The first important characteristic of communication is that there must be a minimum number of two persons because no single individual can have an exchange of ideas with himself. A listener is necessary to receive one’s ideas. Therefore, there must be at least two persons-the sender of information and the receiver. (2) Exchange of Ideas: Communication cannot be thought of in the absence of exchange of ideas. In order to complete the process of communication there must be an exchange of ideas, orders, feelings, etc. , among two or more than two persons. (3) Mutual Understanding: Mutual understanding means that the receiver should receive the information in the same spirit with which it is being given. In the process of communication, it is more important to understand the information rather than carry it out. See more: The stages of consumer buying decision process essay (4) Direct and Indirect Communication: It is not necessary in communication that the receiver and giver of information should be face-to-face with each other. Communication can be both direct and indirect. Direct communication means face-to-face conversation, while indirect communication is through other means. (5) Continuous Process: Communication is an endless process, as is the case with business where the manager continuously assigns work to his subordinates, tries to know the progress of the work and gives directions. (6) Use of Words as well as Symbols: There can be many means of communication, like the written, the oral and symbolic. The examples of symbolic communication are the ringing of bell for closing a school or a college, saying something by the movement of the neck, showing anger or disapproval through eyes, giving some decision by the raising of a finger in cricket, etc.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Technology The End Of Mankind :: essays research papers
Technology: The End of Mankind TECHNOLOGY The human race is slowly, but surely, contributing to its own demise. This sub-conscious suicide is being carried out in more than one way, but the most apparent one is technology. Technology is advancing at a pace so rapid that it will eventually lead to the self-extinction of the human race.      The most current and pressing issue that falls into this category is the infamous Y2K bug. This is the virus that is going to cause every computer in operation to go haywire when the year 2000 comes around. Some of the things will be effected by this are personal computers, ATM’s, air traffic control and street and traffic lights. Even if none of these theories pan out, the hype alone that is being created by the media is predicted to cause enough chaos and pandemonium by itself. In a recent survey, it was proven that over 50% of the American people are afraid of the bug and what it will do. If this matter is not addressed soon it will be responsible for many casualties.      Another branch of technology that has caused casualties in the past and is bound to cause many more in the future is weapons. The weapon that has had the most impact is the gun. It has killed millions, not only in wars, but in everyday life as well. In addition, there is the atomic bomb that killed thousands at Hiroshima. More recently there is the nuclear missile that is capable of wiping out an entire major city. Moreover, there are many inventions that have been built with the intent to improve life only to repeatedly take it away from people. Some such inventions are cars, planes and nuclear power plants. Something must be done to hinder the advancement of technology in these areas before we are all dead.      Lastly, technology is the biggest source of pollution. This pollution poses the largest threat of all to the world. Not only will it eventually lead to a genocide of the entire human race, but it is destroying everything else on the planet. The increase in the population has compounded this effect leading to more cars on the road and more waste, hence, more pollution. If pollution keeps up at this rate something bad is going to happen. Everyone will die of either cancer, due to holes in the ozone, starvation, because all of the animals were wiped out by pollution, or some other illness obtained from contaminated food and water. Technology The End Of Mankind :: essays research papers Technology: The End of Mankind TECHNOLOGY The human race is slowly, but surely, contributing to its own demise. This sub-conscious suicide is being carried out in more than one way, but the most apparent one is technology. Technology is advancing at a pace so rapid that it will eventually lead to the self-extinction of the human race.      The most current and pressing issue that falls into this category is the infamous Y2K bug. This is the virus that is going to cause every computer in operation to go haywire when the year 2000 comes around. Some of the things will be effected by this are personal computers, ATM’s, air traffic control and street and traffic lights. Even if none of these theories pan out, the hype alone that is being created by the media is predicted to cause enough chaos and pandemonium by itself. In a recent survey, it was proven that over 50% of the American people are afraid of the bug and what it will do. If this matter is not addressed soon it will be responsible for many casualties.      Another branch of technology that has caused casualties in the past and is bound to cause many more in the future is weapons. The weapon that has had the most impact is the gun. It has killed millions, not only in wars, but in everyday life as well. In addition, there is the atomic bomb that killed thousands at Hiroshima. More recently there is the nuclear missile that is capable of wiping out an entire major city. Moreover, there are many inventions that have been built with the intent to improve life only to repeatedly take it away from people. Some such inventions are cars, planes and nuclear power plants. Something must be done to hinder the advancement of technology in these areas before we are all dead.      Lastly, technology is the biggest source of pollution. This pollution poses the largest threat of all to the world. Not only will it eventually lead to a genocide of the entire human race, but it is destroying everything else on the planet. The increase in the population has compounded this effect leading to more cars on the road and more waste, hence, more pollution. If pollution keeps up at this rate something bad is going to happen. Everyone will die of either cancer, due to holes in the ozone, starvation, because all of the animals were wiped out by pollution, or some other illness obtained from contaminated food and water.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Special Interest Tourism
Some of the SIT categories are: * Sports and Adventure Tourism: Sports tourism Is the Involvement In any sporting activity (actively or passively) where tourists participate in a sporting activity or attend a sport event as spectators. Adventure tourism may include a physical activity and usually interaction with nature and/or cultural interchange. Adventure tourists generally go out of the comfort zone to experience some degree of risk or physical danger. Some examples in Dubbed are undressing, scuba diving, sky diving, mountain climbing, etc.They usually have an income above average and are professionals aged between 30-50, their profile is similar to that of the cultural tourist. Tourism trends and factors in holiday interests The rapid growth of the travel and tourism is one of the most important social and economic phenomena in the last decades. The tourism sector has evolved and international travel is no longer a â€Å"luxury', holiday trips have become accessible to irking c lass families.AS/ Market segmentation is a useful strategy to provide a close match between tourism products and customers. Market segmenting is dividing the tourism market into different groups of people with similar characteristics, motivations and needs in order to respond with the appropriate products and satisfy the preferences of the chosen segment; and thus, increase the profits. The intention is to identify these groups of similar type of customers, understand their behavior and requirements, and develop the right product to attract them.PA/ Peter in Jordan – Introduction Peter is an archaeological and historical site located in Jordan that is famous for its rock-cut buildings and tombs in the mountains, composed of reddish sandstone. Peter was created by the Anabases, a nomadic tribe from Arabia, sometime around the 6th century BC. The city was disappeared from Western awareness until it was discovered in 1812 by a Swiss explorer. Today Peter is Cordon's main landmar k and one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. Features and benefits * Historical site of great value: Vast area of tombs, temples, ceremonial buildings ND theatres dated from 6th century BC.It is a Unesco World Heritage site since the year 1985. * Natural attraction: Peter is a natural beauty with rugged mountains and reddish sandstone rocks. The main entrance leads to a narrow natural gorge, which used to serve as waterway flowing into the city. There are man-made steps to walk up on top of the mountains and enjoy the spectacular views. * Worldwide famous for the Hollywood movie â€Å"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade†where Harrison Ford enters The Treasury (Al-Channel) at Peter.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Games to Life Essay
Pong, Super Mario Bros. , and Pac-Man are a couple classic games most everyone has played. These games were some of the first video games ever made and had very little to no violence in them. These video games have now evolved into more graphic, gory, and violent games. This increased violence in video games has caused more aggression in society. On April 20th, 1999 at Columbine High School in Colorado a shooting occurred killing 12 students, 1 teacher and also injured 24 other students. Two students were the cause of this shooting. The two seniors played video games religiously and were big fans of a game named Doom. Doom is a game where players is a space marine who must fight his way through hordes of invading demons from Hell. The two shooters liked and played this game so much that even designed their own based off of it. Eric and Dylan’s, the two shooters, game was created based on the Columbine High School’s floor plan. Their game contained characters based off student at their school whom they did not like. When students, in their game, that believed in God would die they would say â€Å"’My Lord, why did you do this to me? †which is what Eric and Dylan believed they would say as they would kill them. When a newer game called Duke Nukem came out, a similar game to Doom, Eric and Dylan were quick to design another levels based on Columbine High School. In this game they had more realistic guns and bombs, which the shooters liked. They also mapped out how they would invade the school and whom they would target in these levels they created. Through both these games, that Eric and Dylan loved to play, inspired them to create there own games using their school as a layout and students as the characters. They planned out how they would approach their shooting and where they would place their bombs based on what they did in their games. They knew whom they would kill first and where they would be. They also placed bombs around the school as they would in the game that thankfully did not go off. Video games have become a big part of our culture in today’s society. When video games first came out they were simple, friendly, and non-violent. Since then video games have become more sophisticated, completive, and especially more violent. Eric and Dylan’s shooting on their school was an act of aggression supported from the violent videos games they played.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Calculate Freezing Point Depression
How to Calculate Freezing Point Depression This example problem demonstrates how to calculate freezing point depression using solution of salt in water. Quick Review of Freezing Point Depression Freezing point depression is one of the colligative properties of matter, which means it is affected by the number of particles, not the chemical identity of the particles or their mass. When a solute is added to a solvent, its freezing point is lowered from the original value of the pure solvent. It doesnt matter whether the solute is a liquid, gas, or solid. For example, freezing point depression occurs when either salt or alcohol are added to water. In fact, the solvent can be any phase, too. Freezing point depression also occurs in solid-solid mixtures. Freezing point depression is calculated using Raoults Law and the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation to write an equation called Blagdens Law. In an ideal solution, freezing point depression only depends on solute concentration. Freezing Point Depression Problem 31.65 g of sodium chloride is added to 220.0 mL of water at 34  °C. How will this affect the freezing point of the water?Assume the sodium chloride completely dissociates in the water.Given: density of water at 35  °C 0.994 g/mLKf water 1.86  °C kg/molSolution:To find the temperature change elevation of a solvent by a solute, use the freezing point depression equation:ÃŽâ€T iKfmwhereÃŽâ€T Change in temperature in  °Ci van t Hoff factorKf molal freezing point depression constant or cryoscopic constant in  °C kg/molm molality of the solute in mol solute/kg solvent.Step 1 Calculate the molality of the NaClmolality (m) of NaCl moles of NaCl/kg waterFrom the periodic table, find the atomic masses of the elements:atomic mass Na 22.99atomic mass Cl 35.45moles of NaCl 31.65 g x 1 mol/(22.99 35.45)moles of NaCl 31.65 g x 1 mol/58.44 gmoles of NaCl 0.542 molkg water density x volumekg water 0.994 g/mL x 220 mL x 1 kg/1000 gkg water 0.219 kgmNaCl moles of NaCl/kg watermNaCl 0.542 mol/0.219 kgmNaCl 2.477 mol/kgStep 2 Determine the van t Hoff factorThe van t Hoff factor, i, is a constant associated with the amount of dissociation of the solute in the solvent. For substances which do not dissociate in water, such as sugar, i 1. For solutes that completely dissociate into two ions, i 2. For this example, NaCl completely dissociates into the two ions, Na and Cl-. Therefore, i 2 for this example.Step 3 Find ÃŽâ€TÃŽâ€T iKfmÃŽâ€T 2 x 1.86  °C kg/mol x 2.477 mol/kgÃŽâ€T 9.21  °CAnswer:Adding 31.65 g of NaCl to 220.0 mL of water will lower the freezing point by 9.21  °C.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Andrew Jackson Democracy
He did uphold the principles of the majority rule and not of the supremacy of the government. The bank and its branches received federal funding and they were to be used for public purpose by serving as a cushion for the ups and downs of the economy. Biddle, head of the bank, managed it effectively. But his arrogance led many, including Jackson, to believe that Biddle was abusing his power and was serving the interests of the wealthy. As a result, Jackson declared the bank to be unconstitutional even though it was previously said to be constitutional. In the election of 1832, Clay wanted to challenge Jackson on the issue by trying to persuade Congress to pass a bank re-charter-bill. Jackson vetoed it, saying that it was a private monopoly and that it favored the wealthy, and in turn led to the backfire of Clay’s plan. The majority of the voters agreed on his attack on the â€Å"hydra of corruption. †And as a result of this issue, Jackson got the majority of the votes and won the election. In his second term Jackson killed the national bank by vetoing its re-charter and by removing all of its money. In his veto message Jackson said â€Å"But when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustices of their government†. He then took the money and put it into so called â€Å"pet banks†that were located throughout various state banks. He did this because he did not uphold to the ideas of the federal supremacy. Jackson is usually for state’s rights, but not if it leads towards disunion. That is exactly what happened in the issue of nullification. Around 1828 the legislation of South Carolina declared that the Tariff of Abominations, which was and increased tariff, was unconstitutional. According to Calhoun, Jackson’s vice-president, and his nullification theory, each state had the right to decide whether or not to obey it or to declare it void. Daniel Webster, of Mass. , debated against Hayne and attacked the idea that any state could leave the Union. Jackson believed that the Union should be preserved. South Carolina held a convention to nullify both the tariff of 1828 and the newly formed tariff of 1832. The convention determined that the collection of tariffs within a state is against the constitution. Jackson didn’t like this, so he forced military action by persuading the Congress the pass a so-called Force bill to give him authority to use military action in South Carolina. But the troops did not go. Jackson decided to open up for compromise and to lower the tariff. Jackson did not uphold to the principle of majority to rule in this case because it only dealt with one state, but he did for the supremacy of the federal government. In the case of the removal of the Native Americans, the statement is valid. Jackson’s view on democracy did not extend to the Native Americans. Like the majority he did sympathize with the land-hungry citizens who desperately wanted to take over lands held by the Indians. Jackson thought that the reasonable answer was to require the Native Americans to leave their homeland and head towards west of the Mississippi. He signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, which forced a resettlement of many thousand Native Americans. In 1831 the Cherokees challenged Georgia in the courts, but the Supreme Court ruled in this case (Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia) that the Cherokee’s where not a foreign nation and couldn’t sue in a federal court. In a second case, Worcester vs. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court ruled that the laws of Georgia had no force within the boundaries of the Cherokee territory. In a dispute between state’s rights and federal courts, Jackson sided with the states. He said, â€Å"John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it. †In a statement by Edward Everett, he said, â€Å"The Indians, as was natural, looked to the United States for protection. They came first to the President, deeming, and rightly, that it was his duty to afford them this protection. They knew he had but one constitutional duty to perform toward the treaties and laws – the duty of executing them. He informed them that he had no power, in his view of the rights of the States; prevent their extending their laws over the Indians. This shows that he upheld the principle of the federal supremacy because he abided. Many presidents that have served in the U. S. have had criticisms against them because of the actions they have performed, Jackson being one of them. The validity of the criticism against Jackson varies with the issues regarding the re-charter of the bank, the nullification crisis and the removal of the Native Americans. His presidency chan ged the way that we look at presidents today. Andrew Jackson Democracy He did uphold the principles of the majority rule and not of the supremacy of the government. The bank and its branches received federal funding and they were to be used for public purpose by serving as a cushion for the ups and downs of the economy. Biddle, head of the bank, managed it effectively. But his arrogance led many, including Jackson, to believe that Biddle was abusing his power and was serving the interests of the wealthy. As a result, Jackson declared the bank to be unconstitutional even though it was previously said to be constitutional. In the election of 1832, Clay wanted to challenge Jackson on the issue by trying to persuade Congress to pass a bank re-charter-bill. Jackson vetoed it, saying that it was a private monopoly and that it favored the wealthy, and in turn led to the backfire of Clay’s plan. The majority of the voters agreed on his attack on the â€Å"hydra of corruption. †And as a result of this issue, Jackson got the majority of the votes and won the election. In his second term Jackson killed the national bank by vetoing its re-charter and by removing all of its money. In his veto message Jackson said â€Å"But when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustices of their government†. He then took the money and put it into so called â€Å"pet banks†that were located throughout various state banks. He did this because he did not uphold to the ideas of the federal supremacy. Jackson is usually for state’s rights, but not if it leads towards disunion. That is exactly what happened in the issue of nullification. Around 1828 the legislation of South Carolina declared that the Tariff of Abominations, which was and increased tariff, was unconstitutional. According to Calhoun, Jackson’s vice-president, and his nullification theory, each state had the right to decide whether or not to obey it or to declare it void. Daniel Webster, of Mass. , debated against Hayne and attacked the idea that any state could leave the Union. Jackson believed that the Union should be preserved. South Carolina held a convention to nullify both the tariff of 1828 and the newly formed tariff of 1832. The convention determined that the collection of tariffs within a state is against the constitution. Jackson didn’t like this, so he forced military action by persuading the Congress the pass a so-called Force bill to give him authority to use military action in South Carolina. But the troops did not go. Jackson decided to open up for compromise and to lower the tariff. Jackson did not uphold to the principle of majority to rule in this case because it only dealt with one state, but he did for the supremacy of the federal government. In the case of the removal of the Native Americans, the statement is valid. Jackson’s view on democracy did not extend to the Native Americans. Like the majority he did sympathize with the land-hungry citizens who desperately wanted to take over lands held by the Indians. Jackson thought that the reasonable answer was to require the Native Americans to leave their homeland and head towards west of the Mississippi. He signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830, which forced a resettlement of many thousand Native Americans. In 1831 the Cherokees challenged Georgia in the courts, but the Supreme Court ruled in this case (Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia) that the Cherokee’s where not a foreign nation and couldn’t sue in a federal court. In a second case, Worcester vs. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court ruled that the laws of Georgia had no force within the boundaries of the Cherokee territory. In a dispute between state’s rights and federal courts, Jackson sided with the states. He said, â€Å"John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it. †In a statement by Edward Everett, he said, â€Å"The Indians, as was natural, looked to the United States for protection. They came first to the President, deeming, and rightly, that it was his duty to afford them this protection. They knew he had but one constitutional duty to perform toward the treaties and laws – the duty of executing them. He informed them that he had no power, in his view of the rights of the States; prevent their extending their laws over the Indians. This shows that he upheld the principle of the federal supremacy because he abided. Many presidents that have served in the U. S. have had criticisms against them because of the actions they have performed, Jackson being one of them. The validity of the criticism against Jackson varies with the issues regarding the re-charter of the bank, the nullification crisis and the removal of the Native Americans. His presidency chan ged the way that we look at presidents today.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Mortgages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mortgages - Essay Example According to Boleat and Coles, the common trend is that after getting a gainful employment and after completing studies, most people will always opt to buy a home which is consider a wise investment since the homeowners would soon avoid paying rent, which takes up a big chunk of a person’s total earning (18-19). It is because of this reason that mortgage products have become very popular across the world and they have enabled many people become homeowners. However, mortgage facilities present certain problems to the borrowers, which will be discussed in this present essay and even how they affect the economy of the United States. Secondly, the essay will discuss recent act of legislations or proposal by the United States’ federal government that pertains to the problems that would be highlighted. Current problems faced by mortgagors and even the mortgage industry The nature of mortgage facility is that the borrower pays a monthly premium plus interest which is flexible meaning that the rate of the interest may increase or decrease depending on the market condition. Baily stated that borrowers’ problems usually arise when the rate of interest in the mortgage market increases while their income, which they use to repay the mortgage, remains steady (68-71). This therefore, creates a scenario whereby the borrower is unable to satisfactory pay the monthly premiums and interest, which then forces the bank to enact the foreclosure agreement that would leave the borrower homeless. Such a problem derails the entire economic growth of the United States, which is still on a recovery phase, and unemployment is still an issue since according to Baily lower purchasing power by the consumers who are servicing high interest rate means low demand for goods and products (33-35). Boleat and Coles also lamented that presently borrowers have been locked with high interest rates despite the fact that the rates have significantly decreased with the improved perfo rmance of the economy after the 2008 to 2010 financial crisis. Banks are only willing to allow a customer to switch to a cheaper rate if they are additionally using other products offered by the bank. This practice violates the directive issued by the Financial Service Authority that required lenders to treat the ‘captive’ customers fairly (89-93). In regards to the banking industry, the main problem that they face is the increased regulation that was imposed on the industry especially with the new laws such as the Dodd-Frank law that requires banks to tighten their lending requirements (Boleat and Coles, 109-112). For example, while evaluating the suitability of a prospective borrower banks currently do not consider earnings that are variable such as bonuses and commissions of which in some profession they make up the biggest percentage of the total earnings of an individual. This has resulted into banks loosing potential business and at the same time denying potential borrowers the chance to have a mortgage product. Equally, the national economy also suffers because there is decrease in the demand for houses since not many people can get a mortgage product, and this generally fails to promote economic growth. New mortgage rules Christie wrote that early this year the United States’ federal government issued rules for the mortgage industry and they were simply aimed at protecting homeowners who were facing foreclosure. Among the new rules that were introduced are restrictions that prevent mortgage lenders from repossessing homes whose owners are currently seeking modification of their loans. Moreover, according to the new rules lenders cannot enact the foreclosure agreement until the borrower fails to make payments for more than 120 days. Secondly, the
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